This website
– is run by residents of Lidcombe who are concerned about the proposed rubbish tip at 109A Church St Lidcombe
– is not affiliated with any political party
– aims to always show the latest available information about the proposed tip
– maintains a record of events, publications, meetings etc. in the public domain
There is also an associated YouTube channel which contains videos from public meetings, extracts from Cumberland Council meetings, news segments and the like.
Got further information to share? Please notify us at [email protected]
For details of the items below please see also the Timeline of Events page
July 2024 : A public meeting has been held in Lidcombe regarding the upcoming development application – a motion was passed that Council immediately notify residents when the DA is received
June 2024 : MRA Consulting has confirmed (in correspondence with a resident) that a development application for 109A Church St Lidcombe will be made to Cumberland Council
May 2024 : MA Investments (via MRA Consulting) has posted addressed letters to Lidcombe residents. This is part of an initial consultation process, which the DA applicant must follow, in preparing the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) for an upcoming DA – where the DA may be made directly to the State Government or back to Council
At the end of February 2024, the (original) Development Application (DA2023/0130) was withdrawn by the applicant, and notification of this was sent to interested parties and those (including residents) who had lodged objections to the DA. Note however that applicant has stated that they are “committed to revising and resubmitting the development application in the near future”. No-one except the applicant knows when that updated DA might be resubmitted.
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What types of rubbish would go through the proposed tip?
From the Environmental Impact Statement 109A Church Street, Lidcombe – Organics Transfer Station. A Submission to Cumberland Council, 9th March 2023 (English, pdf, 12MB) section 2.6.7 Waste Classification (page 40):
“The waste received on site would be comprised of food waste and garden waste.
The Waste Classification Guidelines, Part 1, classifies food waste and garden waste as general solid waste (putrescible) and general solid waste (non putrescible). It is noted that a mixture of anything referred to as putrescible renders the entire material putrescible. Hence, the classification of waste throughput is deemed to be general solid waste (putrescible).
Food waste
general solid waste (putrescible) means waste (other than special waste, hazardous waste, restricted solid waste or liquid waste) that includes any of the following—
(a) household waste containing putrescible organics,
(b) waste from litter bins collected by or on behalf of local councils,
(c) manure and nightsoil,
(d) disposable nappies, incontinence pads or sanitary napkins,
(e) food waste,
(f) animal waste,
(g) grit or screenings from sewage treatment systems that have been dewatered so that the grit or screenings do not contain free liquids,
(h) anything that is classified as general solid waste (putrescible) pursuant to an EPA Gazettal notice,
(i) anything that is classified as general solid waste (putrescible) pursuant to the Waste Classification Guidelines,
(j) a mixture of anything referred to in paragraphs (a)–(i).”
(click on the image below to download as pdf)
The closing date for making submissions to Council was Sunday 16th July 2023. It has been reported that almost 2,000 submissions were received.