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Notes taken at the 6pm meeting are shown below. If there is additional information from the meeting that might be added, please inform the author via email at [email protected]
Questions from the Resident to MRA Consulting:
From: Resident (name redacted)
Sent: Sunday, 2 June 2024 5:33 PM
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>; Clr Helen Hughes <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: Opposition to Lidcombe Organic Waste Tip Proposal
Hi MRA Consulting.
I write as a local resident of Lidcombe to voice my strong opposition to this proposed DA and have cc’d my local, state and federal government representatives as an FYI.
I am extremely concerned about the potential traffic, noise and odour issues that this proposed organic waste tip will generate in the area and to the residents particularly those in its immediate vicinity.
With this I have some questions and concerns off the back of the letter box information that I received recently:
- What is the proposed timeline of the DA been submitted?
- In any case what is the next step in the process? Where will this DA be submitted to?
- Can you please share the traffic report that says that the truck movements will not impact local roads and amenities? Is this the one supplied by council or you as the DA applicant commissioned yourself?
- Can you please let the residents know why you withdrew the original DA only to resubmit it with virtually the same consultation information as before (aside from the FAQs which still does not provide clarity on the common issues)? How is this proposed DA be different to the original submission?
I look forward to further comms on this matter.
Reply from MRA Consulting:
From: MRA Info <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 June 2024 9:23 PM
To: Resident (name redacted)
Subject: RE: Opposition to Lidcombe Organic Waste Tip Proposal
Hi Resident,
Thank you for your submission and for your patience.
We are taking all submissions seriously and working through providing responses to all queries in due course.
With respect to your questions posed, please see the following in responses:
- What is the proposed timeline of the DA been submitted?
The exact timing of the DA submission is yet to be finalised, as work continues in the background to prepare further information and address the comments and feedback provided by Council, the NSW EPA and the community.
- In any case what is the next step in the process? Where will this DA be submitted to?
The proposed new DA will be submitted to Cumberland Council as a Designated Development, in accordance with Schedule 3 of the EP&A Regulation 2021 and be assessed in the same manner as the original DA. This means that the application will be assessed and determined by the Sydney Planning Panel with input from Council, the NSW EPA and other relevant statutory authorities.
- Can you please share the traffic report that says that the truck movements will not impact local roads and amenities? Is this the one supplied by council or you as the DA applicant commissioned yourself?
The traffic assessment for the proposed development is undergoing further revisions to ensure the concerns of Council and the general public are met. A copy of this report will be made available with the DA submission. The applicant is required to commission specialist studies such as a traffic assessment to prove to the consent and statutory authorities that the proposed development will not have undue environmental or social impact. The traffic assessment prepared on behalf of the applicant will be reviewed and evaluated by Council traffic engineers through the DA assessment process.
- Can you please let the residents know why you withdrew the original DA only to resubmit it with virtually the same consultation information as before (aside from the FAQs which still does not provide clarity on the common issues)? How is this proposed DA be different to the original submission?
The original application was withdrawn to provide adequate time for the applicant to address the concerns of Council and the EPA. The proposed development has been designed and assessed according to consultation with Council and the NSW EPA to mitigate any potential impacts to the surrounds, especially with regard to noise, odour and traffic. Detailed specialist reporting has been prepared to evaluate the proposed development against relevant environmental criteria with which the development will need to comply. Functionally, the DA is for the same development, however some nuanced details are being revised to further address comments and queries provided to date.
I hope that the above response has provided further clarity on the matter.
Please feel free to provide further correspondence should you have any additional queries.
Kind regards,
James Cosgrove / Business Manager & Senior Consultant
[email protected] / 0431 948 611
MRA Consulting Group
02 8541 6169
Suite 408 Henry Lawson Building
19 Roseby Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047
email reads:
“Good afternoon,
The purpose of this email is to provide an update on the proposal at 109A Church Street, Lidcombe for the construction of an Organic Waste Transfer Centre at Lidcombe.
Please find attached letter for details of an upcoming public information session being held by Council officers on Monday, 1 July 2024 from 6pm at Lidcombe Community Centre, located at 3 Bridge Street, Lidcombe.
It is important to note that Council has not received a new development application on the proposal at this time.
If you require any further information, please contact Council’s Customer Service team on 8757 9000.
Kind regards,
Sarah on behalf of Daniel Cavallo, Director Environment and Planning.”
Discussion at the Council meeting of 5th June 2024 regarding the letters posted from MA Investments & how to support residents:
The wording initially put up by Labor in the Council papers was
That Council –
- Send a letter to residents of Lidcombe providing an update on the applicant’s intention regarding the proposed Organic Waste Transfer Station at 109A Church Street, Lidcombe; and
- Ensure the update letter is provided in three languages: English, Korean, and Simplified Chinese.
CLrs Hughes (OLC) and Garrard (OLC) proposed the following additional points:
- Formally inform residents who had already put in objections to the previous DA;
- Supports the residents by endorsing and organising a campaign against any proposed waste transfer station;
- Holds a public meeting to provide information and articulate the process to the residents.
Point 4 was ruled out of order by Mayor Lake (Labor) under clause 10.6 of the Code of Meeting Practice, as she considered that the implementation of that point may be unlawful given Council’s statutory obligations with respect to the assessment of development applications.
OLC argued as much as possible that this was not unlawful as the applicant had not yet placed a DA. If a DA was placed to Council, Council could then step out of the campaign. It was also identified as not being unlawful, but the Mayor wouldn’t accept that – so item 4 was removed, and OLC point 3 and 5 listed above were accepted. The intent of being ‘any proposed waste transfer station’, was obviously a focus on Lidcombe but could provide to be a bit more ‘widely’ used (only if necessary).
Currently, the outcome is for all (previous) objectors to receive a letter and for a public meeting.
Letters addressed “To the landowner/tenant” are received by Lidcombe residents. The sender address listed on the letters is Suite 408 Henry Lawson Building, 19 Roseby Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047
Council sends an email to all who lodged a submission, formally notifying of the DA withdrawal.
via email to all who lodged submissions: “As the applicant has withdrawn the DA application, the requirement for a public meeting is no longer needed. The details on this application will remain on the public website.”
The application was withdrawn for the following reason: The applicant for the proposed development of the organics transfer station at 109a Church Street, Lidcombe has today withdrawn their development application given the recent refusal to further information requests in the review and assessment of development. In light of this, the applicant has withdrawn their application and is committed to revising and resubmitting the development application in the near future.
The panel will meet to determine the Development Application – Thursday, 7th March 2024 at 11am. Public Videoconference.
The Sydney Central Planning Panel has updated the documents available on its online portal. A key document, under the heading “Determination and Statement of Reasons” is ‘Determination and Statement of Reasons – Attachment 1. Draft Reasons for Refusal’
As anticipated, the email confirms that Council has received updates from the Applicant (see 31/10/23 item below) and that around February 2024 is when a public meeting is likely – here is the document attached to the email from Council:
Cumberland Council issued a RFI (Request for Further Information) on 4th August 2023, the Applicant provided a response on 31st October 2023. The information has been provided as updates to previously-lodged documents as listed below. It is therefore believed that the public meeting to be arranged by the Sydney Central Planning Panel will occur in February 2024 instead of November 2023, to allow time for the updated information to be assessed.
Organics Transfer Station – Environmental Impact Statement (Rev 311023)
Appendix G – 109a Church St, Lidcombe – Odour Management Plan v2
Appendix J – Noise Impact Assessment v2
Appendix Q – Proposed Wheel Wash Specifications
Appendix G – 109a Church St, Lidcombe – Operational Environmental Management
Appendix M – Traffic Impacts Assessment v2
Appendix G – 109a Church St, Lidcombe – Construction Environmental Management
Appendix F – Proposed Site Plans v2
Appendix R – Proposed Landscape Plan
Appendix I – Odour Assessment Report Addendum Letter
Appendix T – Proposed Fire Plan
At the Cumberland Council Meeting of 6th September 2023 Councillor Paul Garrard (OLC) introduced a motion to gain explicit statements from each elected Councillor, about their respective positions on the proposed tip. The motion was unanimously passed and a takeout from this meeting is that all elected Councillors say that they oppose the proposed FOGO tip at Lidcombe.
At the Cumberland Council Meeting of 16th August 2023 there were three items of note:
Firstly: Mayor Lisa Lake issued a Mayoral Minute:
- That Council request the General Manager to:
a) Undertake a review of Council’s Development Control Plan with respect to the written notification requirements for development applications for designated development, with a view to extending the area for such notification and report back to Council at a future meeting, and
b) Take steps to arrange for the preparation of a draft submission to the Sydney Central City Planning Panel that can be considered for adoption and formal submission by the elected body of Council that reflects opposition to the application by the elected body on public interest grounds. - That any financial implications associated with the adoption of this Mayoral minute be funded from Councils legal operational budget.
Secondly: OLC Councillor Garrard raised a Matter of Urgency, its origin being the Motion from floor at the public meeting of 13/8/23, seeking to explicitly identify which Councillors support the residents (in opposing the proposed tip). A show of hands by Councillors resulted but no recording of names was made.
Thirdly: OLC Councillor Christou introduced a motion to withdraw support a FOGO trial which was originally discussed at the Council meeting of 18th May 2022. This motion was defeated by the Labor majority who voted against Clr Christou’s motion.
A Community meeting was held in Lidcombe by Cumberland Council on Sunday 13 August 2023 2:30pm – 5pm.
Handout notes (English, pdf, 11MB). Notes/Observations/Recollections from the meeting (English, pdf, 174KB)
Attendees included:
Council Staff: General Manager – Peter Fitzgerald, Deputy General Manager – Melissa Attia, Director, Environment and Planning – Daniel Cavallo.
Cumberland Councillors: Helen Hughes, Paul Garrard, Steve Christou, Sabrin Farooqui, Kun Huang, Cumberland Mayor Lisa Lake.
Present in the audience: Hon Ms Sally Sitou (MP for the federal seat of Reid). Absent: Ms Lynda Voltz (MP for the state seat of Auburn).
Also present: Auslan, Mandarin, Korean translators.
A quote from the public meeting, from a resident: “This is life or death with our environment, so I assume that Councillors that are here today are opposed to this. One would like on Wednesday night at the Council meeting, I would like to propose a motion that all the Councillors lay their cards on the table as to whether when the State Government decides on this issue, or are planning to decide on this issue, if the Councillors are going to support the residents, or are going to support the developer. The motion I would like to put to Council would be, that all Councillors are to lay their cards on the table so that we residents know, who’s for us, and who’s against us (audience responded with applause). How are we going to go about having that motion delivered?”
To which Councillors Paul Garrard and Steve Christou responded: “We’ll move it as a matter of urgency” at the next Cumberland Council meeting.
Councillor Steve Christou attempted to raise a motion of urgency to withdraw Council’s 18th May 2022 motion of support for a FOGO scheme in Cumberland. Mayor Lisa Lake ruled that the motion be instead debated at the subsequent Council meeting on 16th August 2023
A public meeting (advertised on WeChat) for Chinese-speaking residents of Lidcombe was organised by Councillor Kun Huang (Labor, Regents Park ward). The main focus of the meeting, which was lead by a solicitor who presented the notes below, was the Development Application process (and not discussion of the tip). It was attended by other Cumberland Councillors (Hughes, Garrard and Christou) who were in the audience.
A motion was raised by Councillors Helen Hughes (OLC, Regents Park ward) and Paul Garrard (OLC, South Granville ward), for Council to conduct a traffic study (present and projected). One reason for this motion is that the proposed DA2023/0130 would introduce an additional 118 heavy truck movements to Lidcombe roads. Labor Councillors used their numbers to take the discussion into Closed Council, that is, the live webcast and public gallery were closed down.
The motion:
- Include a major study of traffic movements within and around the road network within the Lidcombe road network;
- Ensure the study covers all ingress and egress routes entering Lidcombe including the town centre and its surrounds;
- Accurately determine the existing vehicular movements including trucks,sizing and classification presently utilising Lidcombe road networks and intersection capabilities to handle such vehicles;
- Provide projection of future capacity loads on the road network and their capability of handling increased capacity;
- Highlight the necessity to maintain road repair and maintenance to the existing road network caused by any anticpated increase in road usage; and
- Be funded by Council’s Infrastructure Reserve.
- In the process of developing the report, the Council will hold a community meeting within the next 4 weeks on the weekend to better understand the community concerns and traffic issues within the study area.
OLC Councillors Helen Hughes and Paul Garrard attempted to raise a matter of urgency – getting details about the present and forecast road traffic in Lidcombe. This was also the motion that was passed in the public meeting of Sunday 2nd July 2023. The attempt was stymied by the Mayor and another Councillor.
A public meeting was organised to discuss the proposed tip.
Councillor Helen Hughes (OLC, Regents Park ward) introduced a notice of motion – heavy vehicle movements in Lidcombe, Councillor Paul Garrard spoke further on the matter but was shut down by Mayor Lisa Lake (according to protocols), as even indirect reference to the DA for the Lidcombe tip was declared to be not permitted, regardless of whether the subject of heavy vehicle movements was relevant.
Thousands of letters were hand-delivered by concerned residents to the letterboxes of houses and units in the Lidcombe area.
Link to the detailed DA documents for DA2023/0130:
At the Council meeting of May 18th 2022Councillor Hussein outlined Cumberland Council’s Waste and Resource Strategy, noting that FOGO is a component of “Net Zero” being mandated by the NSW Government. He introduced a motion to have created, a report on how best to implement FOGO by way of a trial program in Cumberland Council